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Everybody Can Cook was developed to allow instructors in both general and special education classrooms to bring hands-on cooking classes to children of all abilities, ages 2 and up, and to foster a positive relationship between children and food. There are 15 recipes and lesson plans, each complete with: shopping and equipment lists
related books and songs to enhance learning
pictorial recipes

adaptations for various physical and developmental abilities
ingredient substitutions for dietary restrictions and allergies
visual learning cards

The Creative Kitchen offers training workshops on implementing the curriculum; call for details.

Spiral bound, 124 pages, by Cricket Azima

Everybody Can Cook

Regular price $ 12.95



Everybody Can Cook was developed to allow instructors in both general and special education classrooms to bring hands-on cooking classes to children of all abilities, ages 2 and up, and to foster a positive relationship between children and food. There are 15 recipes and lesson plans, each complete with: shopping and equipment lists
related books and songs to enhance learning
pictorial recipes

adaptations for various physical and developmental abilities
ingredient substitutions for dietary restrictions and allergies
visual learning cards

The Creative Kitchen offers training workshops on implementing the curriculum; call for details.

Spiral bound, 124 pages, by Cricket Azima

Everybody Can Cook
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